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Yellow Sundress Painting by Marie Witte

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Comments (35)

Susan Huckins

Susan Huckins

What a beautiful and heartwarming image this is. Congrats on your sale. Susan

Andrea Hazel

Andrea Hazel

Congrats on your sale!

Lynda Carter

Lynda Carter


Fiona Kennard

Fiona Kennard

Congratulations on your sale

AnnaJo Vahle

AnnaJo Vahle

Congratulations on your sale. Gorgeous work, Maria. f

Carol Montoya

Carol Montoya

Congratulations on your sale

Andrea Hazel

Andrea Hazel


Debbie DeWitt

Debbie DeWitt

Such a sweet piece! Wonderful work Marie! Congratulations on your sale!

Irina Sztukowski

Irina Sztukowski

Congratulations on your successful sale!!!

Pennie McCracken

Pennie McCracken

So adorable Marie, congratulations!

Kathy M Krause

Kathy M Krause

Marie, congratulation son your sale!

Mary Deal

Mary Deal

Congratulations on your sale. This is precious!

Ukrainian Artists

Ukrainian Artists

Amazing painting! Congratulations on your sale!

Irina Sztukowski

Irina Sztukowski

Amazing Art!!! Congratulations!!

I'ina Van Lawick

I'ina Van Lawick

Gorgeous, Marie. They grow up so fast. Such precious memories. LF+

Deborah Klubertanz

Deborah Klubertanz

Congrats on your sale!

Paul Mangold

Paul Mangold

Congratulations!!!!! Beautiful painting - simply wonderful.

Val Stokes

Val Stokes

You have a gift in portraying children Marie--very exciting and outstanding.

Margaret Bucklew

Margaret Bucklew

This is so amazing! The child, the water!!!

Vesna Antic

Vesna Antic

Very nice!

Rick Hansen

Rick Hansen

Very nice painting!!

Marilyn Nolan-Johnson

Marilyn Nolan-Johnson

Beautifully painted and colors are the best! L/f

Dominique Amendola

Dominique Amendola

Very charming! L&F

Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

lovely painting. L/F

Elena Sokolova

Elena Sokolova


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Yellow Sundress by Marie Witte
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